Exciting News from James McDermott
Congratulations to playwright and poet James McDermott on his debut poetry collection entitled MANATOMY (available here), which focuses on the author’s experience of growing up gay in rural England. In addition, his new poem, ‘They Could be Having Sex’, was longlisted for the Winchester Poetry Prize and published in their anthology. More details about the prize can be found here.

McDermott also recently completed an exciting new project entitled Flip the Museum (see project here) with Common Ground, Mutiny (Future and Form creative partners) and a group of young people in Lowestoft. The digital project takes place onsite at the Lowestoft Museum in the form of an immersive ‘virtual trail’. For Flip the Museum, McDermott worked with three young poets to make spoken word pieces that re-contextualise objects within the museum’s collection and retell the history of the museum itself.

McDermott is also currently writing new plays for Mercury Theatre, Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds and Eastern Angles and is developing TV comedy drama projects with Big Talk and Shiny Button.